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Rs 90 lakh gold seized at Surat airport

SURAT: The Air Intelligence unit of airport’s customs department arrested a man with collier femme beige gold bars and gold bracelets worth Rs 90 lakh on Saturday. Official sources said that the accused hailing from Valsad district personnalite metal collier simple tendance hommes et femmes collier universel mode perle collier had arrived at Surat airport from Sharjah juste sentir za bracelet leopard a la mode bracelet pour femmes bracelet manchette boho punk in the Air India Express flight during early hours of Saturday. The accused had hidden the gold bars and bracelets in his shoes and stitched some in the seams of his pants, to escape the eyes of the customs officials. A senior officer collier femme or parure on condition of anonymity said, “This is juste sentir za mode coeur grande goutte boucles doreilles pour les femmes boho colore dangle the biggest case of gold smuggling till now. The man had brought 19 gold bars and two gold bracelets hidden in his shoes and clothes. The man was held after our intelligence officers suspected his movement on the airport.” He added, “The accused has been taken collier femme acier chirurgical into custody and parure collier femme interrogation is going collier femme avec cordon on to find out just feel za leopard resine bracelets bracelet pour femmes boheme mode ouvert manchette acrylique the source of gold.” Sources further said collier femme cuir marron just feel za mode acrylique dangle boucles doreilles pour femmes parti bijoux leopard impression that after the commencement of Surat Sharjah flight few months ago, this is the eighth case of gold smuggling photo collier femme reported from the Surat airport. The gold smuggling has increased at the airport, especially after the central government hiked import duty on gold from 10% to 12.5%. Till date, the air intelligence unit of customs department here gros collier femme plaque or has seized more than 2 kg of collier femme swaroski gold and arrested more nine people. According to the gro collier femme customs report, in the last nine months about Rs 143 crore worth of collier femme apm gold weighing 323 kilogram has been seized by the air intelligence units from various airports across the country. From January to September, there were about 66 cases of gold just feel za boucles doreilles pendantes punk vintage pour femmes couleur or declaration ronde smuggling reported from various airports. Download guy laroche collier femme The Times of India News App for tattoo collier femme Latest City News.more from times of india citiesLATEST collier femme enceinte bolas VIDEOSCityMumbai: Reckless bike collier femme or double rang with 3 riders rams into traffic police when asked to stop Got Rs 12 lakh to help J collier femme bronze terrorists reach Delhi, admits arrested DSP Davinder Singh Suspicious letter delivered to Pragya Thakur’s residence, says ‘conspiracy by enemies’ J Dreaded Jaish terrorist Adil Gulzar killed in encounterMore from TOIMakarsankranti 2020: Foods collier femme double to eat basis your sun sign on MakarsankrantiThis is how different collier femme leopard Indian states celebrate the harvest festivalMakar Sankranti: Take your kite flying experience to a whole new levelEssential camera accessories for Canon DSLR camera owners..